
Governing Body Statement of Behaviour Principles


The Education and Inspections Act 2006 and ‘Behaviour and Discipline in Schools: Guidance for Governing Bodies’ stipulate that the Governing Body is required to make and frequently review a written statement of general behaviour principles to guide the headteacher in determining measures to promote good behaviour and discipline amongst pupils.


Rationale and Purpose


This Statement has been written in accordance with the Education and Inspections Act 2006, and DfE guidance (‘Behaviour and Discipline in Schools: Guidance for Governing Bodies’) and the Equality Act 2010.

The purpose of this statement is to provide guidance for the Headteacher in developing Stocksbridge Junior School’s Behaviour Policy so that it reflects the shared aspirations and beliefs of governors, staff, parents and carers for the children in the school, as well as taking full account of the law, research and guidance on behaviour matters. Staff should be confident that they have the governor’s support when following the behaviour system based on this statement.

This is a statement of principles: it is the responsibility of the Headteacher to draw up the Behaviour Policy, taking account of these principles.

The Headteacher is also asked to take account of the guidance in DfE publication ‘Behaviour in Schools: a guide for headteachers and school staff (2022)’.

Our Principles


At Stocksbridge Junior School we are committed to ensuring that our children develop healthy behaviours that enable them to engage fully in life and learning, both during their school years and in later life.

We aim to ensure that Stocksbridge Junior School is:

  • an inclusive school where everyone has the right to be themselves, be happy, feel safe, feel valued, listened to and respected at all of the time.
  • a school where our REACH values lead practice and guide the behaviours of all (children, school staff, other professionals and parents)
  • an environment where expectation with regard to healthy behaviours are clear and where less healthy and serious misbehaviours are understood by all.
  • a school where all parties are offered induction so that behavioural expectations are clear.
  • a school where the development of healthy behaviours is not left to chance but taught as a key part of a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • an environment where healthy behaviours are encouraged through their celebration and recognition.
  • a place where there is time for reflection and learning with regard to less healthy behaviours – a commitment to long term changes in behaviour as required (both on site, off site and online, as appropriate).
  • a school where consequences for less healthy behaviours are logical and help to support healthier behaviours to develop (both on site, off site and online, as appropriate).
  • an environment where all forms of bullying (including online), sexual harassment or sexual violence (as defined in the Behaviour Policy) are met with zero tolerance and full investigation.
  • a school where all persistent breaches of behavioural expectations are addressed and supported through stringent measures with suspension or exclusion being a last resort.
  • a place where SEND needs are recognised and behavioural approaches are adjusted in accordance with need.
  • a place where behaviour is also considered as an indicator of unmet need, a call for help or protection and, in some cases, an indication of a child suffering harm (see Safeguarding Policy).
  • a place where support for all of the above needs is responsive and fine tunes for the best possible outcome.
  • a school where the roles and responsibilities of all parties in supporting healthy behaviour are well defined and understood, our team aiming for the best behavioural outcomes for all.
  • an environment where qualitative and quantitative data is scrutinized in order to guide behavioural approaches, supporting the best outcomes for all.
  • a school that works in partnership with parents/carers to develop and promote healthy behaviours.
  • a school that seeks the advice of appropriate outside agencies, where necessary, in support of children who may struggle to reach behavioural expectations.



Our Behaviour Policy is available to download from

This written statement and the Behaviour Policy apply to all pupils when in school, when engaged in extra-curricular activities such as educational trips and visits (residential and non-residential), when travelling to and from school and when online.

Our Behaviour Curriculum


The teaching of healthy behaviours and measures to prevent bullying are embedded within our school culture. These behaviours are taught through our RSHE curriculum and Social and Emotional Education curriculum (Thrive) and is adjusted in accordance with class assessment and need.


Relationship Education and Health Education


Our RSHE curriculum supports pupils to advocate and live by our school values: Respect, Endurance, Aspiration, Courage and Honesty as well as the British Values through the delivery of the Jigsaw scheme of work. This provides a broad and balanced curriculum which develops pupils personally, socially, emotionally and economically whilst also ensuring that the statutory parts of the RSHE curriculum are delivered in each year group. (See our RSHE Policy on the school website for right-time approaches to the teaching of behaviours).

Please visit our RSHE webpage for details of our approach to the statutory Relationships Education and Health Education.


Social & Emotional Education (Thrive)


Where appropriate and reasonable, adjustments are made within the curriculum to ensure all pupils can meet behavioural expectations.
We support all children in the development of these behaviours at right-time and reparative stages, offering differing levels of support in accordance with children’s stage of development.

Please visit our Social & Emotional Education webpage and our Social & Emotional Support webpage for further information about Thrive.