As well as the physical benefits of regular activity, we use cricket to teach children important key life skills that will help them beyond the playground.  Through the values of cricket, we teach children about respect and fair play.  Cricket is also an effective way to develop skills like communication, leadership and perseverance that will benefit them throughout their life.

Over the last 6 weeks, we have had Sharon Butcher from Chance to Shine Cricket in school to inspire children to take up the sport. The sessions were taught though characters such as being a Cool Catcher, a Ferocious Fielder, a Brilliant Bowler, a Super Striker and a Skilful Scorer. The program was aimed at Year 4 and 5’s who had weekly session during the day and some very enthusiastic children took part in the after-school Leadership Cricket club.

We have all been inspired by Mrs Butchers enthusiasm for the sport and look forward to putting our skills to the test in our PE cricket curriculum and the upcoming Inspire and Include competition. Well done for everyone who has tried really hard in the cricket lessons and an extended Hurrahs for the children who was chosen by their teachers for a special certificate for shining and demonstrating those key Personal Development qualities of empathy, respect and inclusivity.
Go team!